Well, it’s officially 2013 and we’re still all here – hallelujah! Although I’m not religious, that daunting date of December 21st, 2012 still bothered me. I mean, what if it really was going to be the end of the world and the Mayans were totally right? Turns out their calendar simply did not span past the 21st, so, all that worry for nothing!

My mind was put to rest until I sat down and watched a CBC documentary on the Super Volcano at Yellowstone Park – you know the one that could blow any day now and destroy the world, and more specifically, North America? Yeah, well, since then my new New Year’s resolution is to begin seriously investing in provisions for when shit hits the fan and the least of my worries is what I’m going to wear that day.

Until then, my other resolution is to relax and enjoy life a bit more while I’m still here by making a conscious effort to stress and worry less about every little thing. The start of a new year is also a great time to reflect on the past year and recognize your achievements and failures, and how you can improve and move forward in the year to come.

To celebrate 2013, I thought I’d start off with a recap of some of my best posts of the year, and since What I Wore is everyone’s favourite post, here is What I Wore‘s Top 12 Best Looks of 2012! These are placed in no particular order and I would love to hear which ones are your favourites, which photographer you’d like to see more from in 2012, and what you’d like to see more of from What I Wore in 2013.

A big huge thanks goes out to all of the incredible, talented and generous photographers I’ve worked with over the past year – I couldn’t have done it without you!

Going Green by David Gillesphie

Holts Muse by Adam Moco

Summer Daze by Sara Traore

Summer Denim by Petra Collins

NXNE by Jude Star

Sporty Glam by Jillian Botting

Pool Hop by Janick Laurent

The Platform by Steven Lee

The White Party by Steven Lee

Platinum Blonde by Arden Wray

Shadow Play by Liam Philley

The Fords by Aidas Odenelis

Have a favourite look? Style? Photographer? Leave a comment and let me know!