
I’m one of those people that collects a lot of stuff. To be honest, it’s a trait I believe I inherited from both sides of the family as it seems to be a running theme throughout every generation. What can I say? We’re a sentimental bunch and find it difficult to let go of everything from old post cards to regretful purchases – they’ve all go some sort of personal meaning!

Exhibit A (above): The room I have occupied since I was a teenager. Keep in mind, this is one corner of it. Yeah.

Continuing to live in the small room as an adult hasn’t helped either. But having parents that live downtown, I’ve forced myself to live at home and put would-be rent money towards saving for a down payment. Now that I am finally moving into my own miniature home that has little to no storage space and no basement I’ve got one major problem: where does all the stuff go?

Rather serendipitously, a friend reached out to me just as I was beginning to have a lack-of-storage-induced panic attack to introduce me to a new Toronto-based company called Boxit.

You see, I’m not the only one with this lack of storage problem. Think about everyone living the downtown lifestyle in a glamorous box in the sky that, most often, allows you to pack your life into a measly closet and tiny locker. Unless you’re a minimalist a la Steve Jobs, there are few people I know that can get away with the bare minimum of storage space.

Clearly Boxit recognised the dilemma and has arrived to save the day. The company allows you to rent storage boxes, instead of an entire storage space that for most might be too big or too expensive.

My biggest worry is how my new closet space will accommodate all of my seasonal clothing, so Boxit sent over a couple of boxes for me to store my spring and summer gear over the next few months until it’s time to trade in the sweaters for shorts. Here’s how it worked:


After creating my Boxit account I requested two standard boxes. Note that they also have wardrobe boxes available if you have certain clothing items that you would like to be stored hung up! Once the boxes were selected, a delivery date and time was coordinated.


To remember what’s in your boxes you can either send picture of the items to Boxit, or you can type them out. You can be as detail oriented as you like. Personally, I was far too lazy to list each item so I divided the two boxes into shoes and clothes. Contents of coded box one are now called “spring summer clothing” and box two is called “spring summer shoes” for me to remember when I check online.

Once everything was packed up I sent a message back to Boxit to coordinate a pick up date and time.  When winter is over, all I’ll have to do to get my items back is make a delivery request online, and Boxit will have it back to me the next day. Honestly, it’s GENIUS!

Not only is this service great for people who are downsizing, but Boxit offers ease of use (all deliveries and logistics are taken care of), security of service (boxes are sealed and secure, and stored in a safe and trusted location as well as a great and friendly staff.

If you’re interested in trying out Boxit for yourself, as a reader you can get 1 month of free storage for 4 boxes AND 25% off your first year when you sign up HERE and use the promo code GCARROLL.

Thank you Boxit, Toronto welcomes you!
